A collection of datasets linked to the Housing Board for Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and West Suffolk.

You can find a description of the Board and its background here https://cambridgeshireinsight.org.uk/housingboard/ 

The aim is to buid up a set of information for local experts to analyse, including past trends, current information and future projections.

Wherever possible we will use this space to share "already available" information, presenting data from various partners without adding to the existing burden of collection - helping to get the best value possible from all the work put into this collection process.

We will do this in "open data" format to make the data as straightforward as possible to use, re-use, combine and anayse. APIs will be created wherever possible.

If you have any questions,comments or suggestions please get in touch with sue.beecroft@cambridge.gov.uk

Other Access

The information on this page (the dataset metadata) is also available in these formats.


via the DKAN API

ONS median house price to income ratios 1997 to 2023

ONS median house price to income ratios 1997 to 2023 

Original data is available form ONS.

The data is uploaded here in order to experiment with building an API to represent the goverment's formula for new homes needed in each district.

Modified Date
Release Date
Public Access Level