
25 results

Cambridgeshire Road Traffic Collision Data

Cambridgeshire County Council

    This dataset contains basic details of road traffic collisions across Cambridgeshire from 2017 to December 2024. The collision data is sourced from the police and includes only collisions that: * involved a vehicle * occurred on public...

    Cambridge City Smart Sensor Traffic Counts

    Cambridgeshire County Council,Smart Cambridge

      *Update, Autumn 2024:* We have now published an interactive dashboard which is designed to provide typical average daily flows by month or by site for the purposes of long-term trend monitoring. This approach to data provision will enable users...

      Road Traffic Collisions: Location

      Cambridgeshire County Council

        Information on collisions across Cambridgeshire. Data includes location, number of people and vehicles involved, road surface, weather conditions and severity of any casualties. Data is currently available between 01/01/2012 and 31/12/2018 in the...

        Cambridgeshire Annual Cycle Counts 2018

        Cambridgeshire County Council

          This dataset summarises headline data for the Automatic Cycle Counters across Cambridgeshire in 2018.  It offers headline 7 day average for 24 hour counts for each site for each week in 2018 For full details of the physical location of these...

          Congestion Map of Cambridgeshire

          Cambridgeshire County Council

            The following are maps of delays on roads in Cambridgeshire and the surrounding areas during the morning (07.30 to 09.30) and evening (16.00-18.00) peak periods. The maps show average delay during school term-time from September 2014 to August...

            Cambridge City Parking Data

            Cambridge City Council,Smart Cambridge

              Car Parking data for Cambridge City is available from October 2018 to September 2019. Where possible, the data has been formatted using entry entries and exits, duration and time...

              Cambridgeshire Railway Usage Estimates

              Cambridgeshire County Council - Policy and Insight Team

                A selection of csv files breaking down rail usage estimates across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.  The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) produces yearly (April-March) estimates of the total number of entries, exits and interchanges at rail stations...

                Mill Road Project: Traffic Sensor Data

                Smart Cambridge

                  The Mill Road Sensor Project which monitored the eight week closure of the Mill Road bridge by Govia Thameslink to carry out crucial work to improve rail services in 2019 has now completed. 15 smart sensors were installed on Mill Road and...