


39 results

Cambridgeshire County Council Property and Land Assets

Cambridgeshire County Council

    These datasets show details of property and land assets of Cambridgeshire County Council. We publish this information in two categories: a specific dataset for our County Farms assets, and a dataset for all other land and property. The published...

    Broad Rental Market Areas (BRMA)

    Cambridgeshire Research Group

      This data sets out information on the size and shape of England's Broad Rental Market Areas (BRMAs). The information comes from the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) and is available online at

      Housing Board Area Boundary

      The Housing Board

        A file setting out the boundaries for the Housing Board area, which covers the local authorities of: * Cambridge * East Cambridgeshire * Fenland * Huntingdonshire * South Cambridgeshire * Peterborough * West Suffolk, which includes Forest...

        County and Unitary Authority Boundaries 2015

        Cambridgeshire Research Group

          Data identifying Cambridgeshire's county boundary and Peterborough's Unitary Authority boundary. For more information, please see the ONS Geoportal [1] website. If data is used, *please acknowledge the copyright and the source of the data* by...

          NHS Regions Geography (April 2016)

          Cambridgeshire Research Group

            Data identifying the location of NHS Regions. For more information, please see the ONS Geoportal [1] website. Boundaries for these geographies have been generalised (to 20 metres) and clipped. You can find further information on these formats in...

            Combined Authorites (June 2016)

            Cambridgeshire Research Group

              Combined Authorities in England (June 2016) There are currently seven Combined Authorities in England * Greater Manchester * Liverpool City Region * North East * Sheffield City Region * Tees Valley * West Midlands *...

              Rural Urban Classification of Cambridgeshire

              Cambridgeshire Research Group

                The 2011 rural-urban classification was released in August 2013. It is a revised version of the classification produced after the 2001 Census, but with additional detail in the urban domain. The product was sponsored by a cross-Government working...

                Workplace Zones (December 2011)

                Cambridgeshire Research Group

                  Workplace Zones were designed to supplement output areas and super output areas. They contain consistent numbers of workers based on where they live. More ONS 2011 Boundaries can be found here [1]. Boundaries for these geographies have been...

                  Urban Audit (December 2011)

                  Cambridgeshire Research Group

                    Data identifying the location of Urban Audit Core, Functional, and Greater Cities. The Urban Audit is a project sponsored by the European Commission to provide reliable and comparative information on European cities. For more information, please...

                    Cambridgeshire District Boundaries (incl. Peterborough)

                    Cambridgeshire Research Group

                      Data identifying Cambridgeshire district boundaries (including Peterborough). For more information, please see the ONS Geoportal [1] website. If data is used, *please acknowledge the copyright and the source of the data* by including the following...

                      Cambridgeshire County Boundary

                      Cambridgeshire Research Group

                        Data identifying Cambridgeshire's county boundary. For more information, please see the ONS Geoportal [1] website. If data is used, *please acknowledge the copyright and the source of the data* by including the following attribution statements: /...