
13 results

Mill Road Cambridge: Monitoring Air Quality

Cambridge City Council,Smart Cambridge

    Cambridge City Council has been awarded grant funding from Defra to purchase new equipment to monitor air quality in and around and the Mill Road area. This data is also been used to understand the impact of the Mill Road bridge closure over the...

    Environment Agency flood-monitoring

    Cambridgeshire County Council - Policy and Insight Team

      The Environment Agency flood-monitoring API provides developers with access to real time information covering: •flood warnings and flood alerts •flood areas which to which warnings or alerts apply •forecast of flood risks over the next three days •...

      Air Quality Data from UK-AIR

      Cambridgeshire County Council - Policy and Insight Team

        This data is downloaded from UK-AIR database from the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The data supplied contains the daily average pollutant reading for Ozone, Nitrogen Oxide, Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulpher Dioxide from October...

        Renewable Energy Completions and Commitments 2014

        Cambridgeshire County Council - Policy and Insight Team

          Data on the renewable energy completions and commitments in Cambridgeshire for the monitoring year 01/04/2013-31/03/2014. This data is based on planning applications to district councils and the feed in tariff provided by ofgem.

          Electricity consumption

          Cambridgeshire County Council - Policy and Insight Team

            Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) and Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) electricity data. Source: [1] [1]