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A collection of datasets released Cambridgeshire Research Group.

A collection of datasets released Cambridgeshire Research Group. 

The Cambridgeshire Research Group, part of Cambridgeshire County Council's Business Intelligence, provides a wide variety of information on the people and economy of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

Please note that whilst the Research Group have published this data locally, some of the data has been released nationally by other organsations. These national data sources include:



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Benefit Claimants in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

Datasets of Lower Super Output Areas of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough detailing claimant counts of benefits for every month between Feb '00 - Feb '15

Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) replaced Incapacity Benefit and Income Support paid on the grounds of incapacity for new claims from 27th October 2008. It is paid to people who are incapable of work and who meet certain contribution conditions.

Jobseeker's Allowance is a benefit payable to unemployed people. In general, to be entitled to claim a person must be available for work, be actively seeking work, and have entered into a Jobseeker's Agreement with Jobcentre Plus.

Income support is a non-contributory benefit paid to people who have low incomes and who are not required to be available for employment. The main types of people receiving IS are pensioners, lone parents, the long and short-term sick, people with disabilities and other special groups.

Attendance Allowance In December 2015, an additional two files were added to show the number of Attendance Allowance claims made as at May 2015, based on a DWP data query.

Data and Resources

Modified Date
Release Date
Temporal Coverage
Tuesday, February 1, 2000 - 00:00 to Sunday, February 1, 2015 - 00:00
UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Contact Name
Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Public Access Level