


238 results

House sales and prices

The Housing Board

    This data comes form the Office of National Statisitcs about the number of sales of new build and existing (second hand) homes across our local area, between December 1995 and December 2015.

    Cambridgeshire County Boundary

    Cambridgeshire Research Group

      Data identifying Cambridgeshire's county boundary. For more information, please see the ONS Geoportal [1] website. If data is used, *please acknowledge the copyright and the source of the data* by including the following attribution statements: /...

      Major Towns and Cities

      Cambridgeshire Research Group

        Digital vector boundaries for Major Towns and Cities in England and Wales in 2015. The Major Towns and Cities (TCITY) statistical geography provides a precise definition of the major towns and cities in England and Wales. The geography has been...

        Child Well Being Index

        Cambridgeshire Research Group

          The Child Well-being Index (CWI) is produced at Lower Super Output Area level (LSOAs) and is made up of seven domains. This data originates from Communities and Local Government, Local Index of Child Well-Being 2009. This theme is displaying the...

          Local private rent levels

          The Housing Board

            This data provides the median private rent levels for eight local districts, as presented in our local Housing Market Bulletin every three months. The data relates to 1 bed, 2 bed, 3 bed and 4 bed properties from June 2013 to March 2016. More...

            Second homes

            The Housing Board

              Are there many properties used as second homes in our local area? How many people live locally and own a second homes elsewhere in England and Wales? You can use this summary of Census 2011 data, produced by the Office for Natinal Statistics (ONS...

              Warm Front Close Out Report

              Cambridgeshire Research Group

                This report marks the final year of the Warm Front scheme after more than a decade of providing heating and insulation measures to low income and vulnerable customers across England.

                Fuel poverty

                Cambridgeshire Research Group

                  The data includes estimates at lower super output area (LSOA) of housholds subject to high energy costs and low income (since 2011) and of households spending 10% or more of their income on fuel, for 2008 to 2012. All the data comes from DECC.

                  Housing affordability

                  The Housing Board

                    This data sets out the percentage of residents of the Cambridge housing sub-region who are unable to afford housing, based on contemporary income data and housing costs, broken down into percentage for 1, 2 and 3 bedroom homes. The data comes...