Homelessness in England 2009-10 to 2017-8
In this data set we have updated the national data released by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) which covers the years 2009-10 to 2017-18 for the whole of England.
We have published the data in previous years, and in this version have added the latest two years' numbers to bring it up to date.
There are 21 columns for each year covered, so it's a big data set. For each year we have information on:
Homlessness acceptances
- Numbers accepted as homeless and in priority need who are
- White
- Black or Black British
- Asian or Asian British
- Mixed
- Other ethnic origin
- Ethnic group not stated
- Total
- Number accepted per 1,000 households
Total decisions including broad reasons why households were found NOT to be homeless:
- Total where eligible homeless & in priority need but intentionally homeless
- Total where eligible & homeless but not in priority need
- Total where eligible but not homeless
- Total homelessness decisions
Use of temporary accommodation
- At 31 March each year, the total number of housholds in:
- Bed and breakfast
- Hostels
- Council or housing association housing (on a temporary basis)
- Private sector leased (where leased by the council or a housing association)
- Other temporary accomodation (including private landlord)
- Total households in temporary accommodation
- Number in temp per 1,000 households
- Duty owed but no accommodation has been secured at end of March 2018
- Thousands of households 2012-based interim projections; used for the "per 1,000" numbers each year
You can see a sample of the data below, and you can access the dataset by clicking this link.
The interactive chart below sets out the homelessness acceptances per 1,000 households for our local area. You can use the buttons at the top of the chart to select (and deselect) which districts you would like to see the data for.