
6 results

Cambridgeshire County Council Invoice Payments

Cambridgeshire County Council

    Regulation 113(7) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 introduced the requirement from March 2017 that all in-scope organisations must publish, on an annual basis and covering the previous 12 months: i) the percentage of their invoices of...

    Cambridgeshire County Council Finance and Budget

    Cultivate Cambs

      Finance and performance reports are provided by services and give details on their financial position and performance levels achieved for each month, accompanied by forecast outturn estimates. These reports feed into the corporate Integrated...

      Grant data from funders

      Cambridgeshire Research Group

        GrantNav is a free-to-use platform that brings together open, comparable grants data published using the 360Giving Standard. GrantNav makes it easy for people to search, explore and download the detail of who, where and how much for thousands of...