Peterborough Public Toilets
Dataset detailing locations and type of public toilets in Peterborough
20 Datasets
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User since 07/27/2018
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Dataset detailing locations and type of public toilets in Peterborough
The number of older people (age 65+) Peterborough council has placed and funded in residential care, residential EMI care, nursing care, nursing EMI care or in the home via domiciliary care.
Proportion of new social and affordable housing allocations by nationality
Peterborough - 2014 - Dataset detailing the number of pupils per primary and secondary school
Dataset detail the Peterborough Local Authority spend on older people's' services between 2009 and 2013
Datset detailing Primary school places, schools oversubscribed and %s of preferences met in Peterborough from 2010 to 2013
Dataset detailing the price for a basic spot contract bed paid to the independent sector provider for older person's placements in Peterborough between 2008 and 2014.
Dataset detailing the number of discretionary housing payments made in 2012/13 in Peterborough